Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wyatt Family Farm Update!

I know I've said it before, but where back. So much has happened, and we have been so busy!
     My HCG diet did not really work for me, allthough I was losing weight in record time it left me sick and dizzy feeling most of the time and Jamie (almost DH) did not like that I was on it at all. So I have decided that it is not the diet for me, which does sadden me, because it was really working. I would have been at my goal weigh in one 45 day cycle! So I am still eating healthy as often as possible, but I do not deny myself nips of what I love. I have also started eating on a smaller plate so that it still looks full, but my portions are a lot smaller. Weight loss should be slow and steady this way and hopfully keep me from feeling like I am going to pass out.
     Jamie and I have finally set a date (Oct 6, 2012) and I have been working on the plans for that as well. It's going to be so much fun, and all done myself. Jamie and I will totally be reflected in the celebration of our love. It's going to be a country wedding in our backyard, my colors are beautiful fall colors of pumpkim (burnt orange) and wasibi, with touches of browns and golds. One of my best friends Catherine is going to be my matrian of honor and my 2 oldest daughters bridesmaids with the youngest being the most adorable fashioista of a flower girl. I'll be blogging about the planning here of the wedding as well...
     My house has gotten away from me, and I have started flying with the flylady and already my house is in a much better state of affair than it has ever been and I still have more time that when I was cleaning all day everyday. With her schedule I spend a total of maybe 1-2 hours a day of housework. Everything is in its place and the hotspots are hardly ever hot anymore. i love it.
     Besides planning a wedding, being a girl scout leader for 2 troops, cooking, keeping my house, we got a new puppy a few days ago and she is just so sweet. Jake our older dog is trying to teach her to be a good dog, but she is finding the learning difficult. She is gonna be trouble I can feel it. We are also in the process of planning our garden for this spring, I am looking forward to it and I hope that  I will be able to get a whole lot more put up that last year. As last year was an experimnent, I am hoping that it gave me the experience that I needed to be able to put up enough things like, salsa, banna peppers, pickles, jams, etc... for the whole year for my family and some gifts as well. Any hints and tips are appreciated.

Tackle It Tuesday Meme      
       My Tackle it Tuesday for this week is also a simple one, but one that has been on my to-do list for a few months now, and thats to blog again. I love blogging; it helps me keep my sanity and get things out that I need to. I hope that you all will start checking back again I miss chatting and interacting with my readers.
I love you guys and can't wait to catch up with you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tiffany,
    Sounds like you have been busy. It's good to have you back though. ;) look forward to reading more of your blog.


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